WooCommerce: Product Add-Ons (Without a Plugin!)

WooCommerce product add-ons are custom input fields that show on the single product page. They’re called “add-ons” as you can add a product personalization or an upsell (at a cost of course).

For example, you can display a text input to print something on the product. Or radio buttons to select different kinds of product upgrades. Or a checkbox to upsell gift wrapping.

Either way, and of course, there are plugins for that. But first, I want to give you a tutorial to code this by yourself (case study: global custom input text field and no surcharge), so that you can learn something new. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: 10 Easy Snippets to Increase Your Sales

I had the pleasure to speak at WordCamp Prague 2019. I spoke about “10 PHP Snippets to Increase WooCommerce Sales” and managed to show some simple coding to the audience. Trust me – increasing your WooCommerce sales can also be done with a free, short, easy PHP snippet.

So, given that I want to share all the snippets I talked about, this is a quick recap. Copy them, test them (a must!) and then use them. And let me know if your conversion rate and/or AOV (average order value) increased!

At the bottom of the page you also find my talk slides. Enjoy:)

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WooCommerce: Rename Product Description Tab Label @ Single Product Page

Product tabs show on the single product page, right below the image gallery. Tab labels are “Description”, “Additional Information”, “Reviews” by default – but what if you wish to rename them into something more relevant to your users?

Here’s a simple PHP snippet you can copy/paste into your child theme’s functions.php file to immediately change the “Description” tab name – enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

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WooCommerce: Remove “Description” Heading @ Single Product Tabs

When you are on the single product page, and you have a non-empty product long description, a “Description” tab appears below the product images. Unfortunately, not only the tab label is “Description”, but also the tab H2 heading. This sounds and looks horrible, so here’s a way to completely remove it.

Alternatively, you can use this other snippet in order to rename it: https://businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-rename-product-description-single-product-page/ Continue reading WooCommerce: Remove “Description” Heading @ Single Product Tabs

WooCommerce: Add to Cart Quantity Plus & Minus Buttons

Here’s a quick snippet you can simply copy/paste or a mini-plugin you can install to show a “+” and a “-” on each side of the quantity number input on the WooCommerce single product page and Cart page.

The custom code comes with a jQuery script as well, as we need to detect whether the plus or minus are clicked and consequently update the quantity input. jQuery might look difficult to many, but the beauty of this is that you don’t need to have a degree in jQuery – just copy/paste the code or install the lightweight plugin and see the magic happen.

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WooCommerce: Display Global Short Description When Empty @ Single Product Page

The WooCommerce product short description is that piece of content that appears on the right hand side of the featured image above the add to cart button. This is, of course, unless you forgot to enter the short description under Product > Edit Product > Short Description!

In case you forgot to enter it or you want to display a global short description, here’s a quick PHP snippet for you. Enjoy!

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WooCommerce: Get Currently Selected Variation ID

We’ve seen a lot of PHP so far on Business Bloomer – WooCommerce after all is a bunch of PHP files! However, sometimes PHP is just not enough, mostly when you need to work with variable products and the “currently selected variation”.

In fact, WooCommerce uses jQuery (a JavaScript Library) to handle variations on the frontend and show conditional content (variation price, description, add to cart) based on the dropdown selection. So, to detect the current variation ID we must use jQuery as well. Here’s how!

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WooCommerce: Add Content Below Single Product Images

One of the latest WooCommerce versions introduced an optimized product gallery on the single product page. If your products have multiple images and therefore use the product gallery, you might want to also add content below the gallery itself. But…

If you’re familiar with WooCommerce customization and WooCommerce hooks (and specifically the ones of the Single Product Page), you’ll know it’s now impossible to add content under the image as it used to be done with the “woocommerce_product_thumbnails” hook.

In fact, the new gallery completely replaces the default content via JQuery, including that hook. Adding content is not as easy as it used to be. So, here’s the workaround (you might want to check how it behaves on mobile or maybe completely hide this for small devices – this has been tested on desktop only).

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WooCommerce: How to Sell Product Customizations & Add-Ons

Product customization has been revolutionizing ecommerce in the last 5 years. And WooCommerce store owners, if possible, should look into offering additional product options, add-ons, personalizations, custom text and whatever can make a mass product unique to each single customer.

You can now pick your shoe colors, engrave a message on jewelry, upload your own graphics on t-shirts, pick your own ingredients, select custom materials and so on. Correct, some very smart marketer found out a way to sell the same exact product to a bunch of very different, demanding people and make them all 100% happy – while also increasing average order value (AOV), margins, profits, return business and decreasing returns, bad feedback and churn rate.

Most of us rely on WooCommerce product variations to sell the same product in different “sizes” or “colors”… but this has got nothing to do with product “add-ons”. With a product add-ons plugin, you can sell additional options and personalizations on top of the existing product attributes.

Good news is there are free and premium plugins that can help you implement product options, customization and add-ons… and eventually increase your profit.

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WooCommerce: Rename “Add to Cart” Button if Product Already @ Cart

When talking about UX, or for very specific WooCommerce shops, you might need to tell the user a product is already in the Cart before re-adding it or increasing its quantity from the Shop/Category/Loop and Single Product pages.

The “Add to Cart” button label comes with a filter (actually 2 filters, one for the Single Product page and another for the other pages such as Shop), so all we need to do is targeting those two hooks. We will “filter” the label text in case the product is already in the Cart, and return that back to WooCommerce. If this sounds like Japanese to you (hey, unless you’re from Japan!) don’t worry – simply copy/paste the snippet below as per below instructions.


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WooCommerce: Hide Related Products @ Single Product Page

Adding content to the WooCommerce Single Product Page is super easy – but what if you wish to remove / hide a default element?

Well, in this case it gets even easier. All you need to know is the default hook used by WooCommerce – so that you can remove it with one line of PHP in your functions.php. You can find a list of default hooks here: (https://businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-visual-hook-guide-single-product-page/)

For example, how do we hide the Related Products? Well, here’s one line of code that will help you! Continue reading WooCommerce: Hide Related Products @ Single Product Page

WooCommerce: Add Custom Field to Product Variations

Adding and displaying custom fields on WooCommerce products is quite simple. For example, you can add a “RRP/MSRP” field to a product, or maybe use ACF and display its value on the single product page.

Easy, yes. Unfortunately, the above only applies to “simple” products without variations (or the parent product if it’s a variable product). So the question is: how do we add, save and display a custom field for each single variation?

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WooCommerce: “Is This a Gift?” Checkbox @ Single Product Page

A client of mine asked me to code a checkbox on the single product page called “Is this a gift?”. They noticed that their customers who want to gift the product to a friend get confused with the “Shipping to a different address” form in the WooCommerce checkout.

So, what about renaming “Shipping to a different address” into “Who is this gift for?” if a “gift” is in the cart? Well, this snippet does just that and you can adapt it / customize it to your specific case. Continue reading WooCommerce: “Is This a Gift?” Checkbox @ Single Product Page

WooCommerce: How to Display Variations with Color / Size Buttons?

Displaying product pages nicely is the entrepreneur’s dream.

Good UX means a much higher probability the interested customer is going to add to cart and complete the checkout.

However, WooCommerce variable products come with annoying dropdowns for each attribute (color, size, style, etc. depending on what options you have set up). And as you’ve already got a hint of my personal opinion, dropdowns are UX-killers.

Today, we take a look at handy plugins you can use to display product options (variations) in a user-friendly way. I’ve used these on many websites and they’re pretty reliable. As usual, it’s just the click of a button!

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WooCommerce: Add an Icon to the Add to Cart Buttons

Ecommerce is all about user experience, and making it easier for people to add to cart and checkout smoothly. Reducing the number of checkout fields is a great idea for example – as well as graphically communicating your number 1 objective: “please add to cart now!”.

So, how do you add an icon (or an HTML symbol) to the add to cart buttons in WooCommerce? This can be done in two ways – via CSS if you want to show Fontawesome Icons or via PHP if you prefer to use a simple HTML unicode symbol.

Let’s take a look at both methods!

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WooCommerce: How to Add to Cart Multiple Variations at Once?

This is a very common issue for B2B / Wholesale WooCommerce website managers. In these case scenarios, clients usually need to add to cart multiple variations to cart on the same page, without refreshing it each time.

For example, a clothing wholesale client wishes to order 100 Medium, 150 Large and 50 Small t-shirts without having to switch dropdown/swatch choice, click on 3 add to cart buttons and wasting time.

Thankfully, there are WooCommerce plugins for that. And today I give you a few premium choices.

No matter whether each variation is displayed in a table and has its own add to cart button or there is a single add to cart button for all variations – ordering more products at the same is a breeze!

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WooCommerce: Disable Zoom, Slider & Lightbox @ Single Product

Sometimes, cool things don’t apply to certain businesses. Also, keeping the default WooCommerce behaviour might slow down your website, should you not need to use a specific functionality.

For example, I’m talking about the new “Featured Image Zoom”, introduced by WooCommerce a while ago. What if your customers don’t need this? How can you disable it?

Well, as usual, this can be done with a few PHP lines! Now go and disable all the stuff you don’t need ๐Ÿ™‚

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WooCommerce: Order a “Free Sample” @ Single Product Page

Recently I was on a coaching call with a client and the “Free Sample” challenge came up. Client has 400+ products on the website and had no intention of adding a free variation to each product manually.

So, I promised to myself I was going to study a different approach. And today you get it for free – nice! Needless to say, a comment and a social media share are much appreciated. Enjoy!

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